Let’s shine a light on those unsung in the LGBTQIA community


Friday 17 May 2024 • Natural History Museum, London

The Bank of London Rainbow Honours showcase individuals and organisations who work all year to influence change and proudly promote LGBTQIA equality.

The Bank of London Rainbow Honours tips its hats and reward our Rainbow Heroes, Sheros and Queeroes, those wonderful individuals and organisations whose work does so much to further LGBTQIA equality and inclusion.

It’s certainly true that we have made amazing strides for LGBTQIA Equality and yet LGBTQIA people still face prejudice in the workplace, in education and across social media.

Inequality comes with a price. LGBTQIA youth are far more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to self-harm or attempt suicide, while drug and alcohol abuse is much higher than in the general population.

That’s why we believe those who put their heads above the parapet and dedicate themselves to fairness for all deserve our accolades. They are, after all, the UK’s Rainbow LGBTQIA Heroes.